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Prebo from Interpharma


Nutrients that help increase the strength of bones and teeth. It is an innovation researched and developed in Japan.

1,900 THB

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Prebo ตัวช่วยเรื่องกระดูก

  • PreBo contains CBP (Concentrated Bioactive Protein), a low molecular protein extracted from cow's milk.
  • PreBo contains the amount of CBP equivalent to drinking 53 liters of milk!
  • PreBO contains important nutrients for bone development, including shark cartilage powder, vitamin C and vitamin D.
  • Products researched, developed, produced and imported from Japan. Under the unique formula of Interpharma
  • PreBo contains 60 capsules per box. Recommended to take 1 tablet daily

Benefits of PreBo

  • PreBO, a nutraceutical product for bone health, one tablet contains CBP equivalent to drinking 53 liters of milk! Plus important nutrients for bones, including shark cartilage powder, vitamin C and vitamin D, which help strengthen bones and teeth.
  • Children should take 1 PreBo tablet per day to help promote bone growth and enhance height increase
  • Adults should take one PreBo tablet daily to help prevent degenerative bone diseases such as osteoporosis or degenerative joint disease.
  • For people with bone diseases such as osteomyelitis, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and arthritis can help relieve pain

“What to know about CBP protein to enhance the efficiency of bone-forming cells.”

  • CBP (Concentrated Bioactive Protein) is a low molecular weight protein found in cow's milk and breast milk. That allows the bones to absorb more calcium and prevents calcium from being excreted from the bones
  • Research has found that CBP helps create a balance between osteoblast cells and bone resorption cells. This enhances the creation of bone cells and controls the function of bone resorption cells at the same time
  • CBP is therefore the final answer for nutrients to strengthen bones

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