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Common symptoms of food intolerances

Common symptoms of food intolerances

Food intolerance symptoms normally show a few hours after eating the food that you are intolerant to and can last up to several days. Additionally, the amount of food that you eat determines the severity of your symptoms. Sometimes you might only eat a small portion of the food you are sensitive to and don’t feel any symptoms. With changing amounts of food and severity levels you might find it difficult to pinpoint which ingredient of your meal you are intolerant to. While symptoms of food intolerances vary, they most often involve the digestive system, skin and respiratory system.

Here are common symptoms of food intolerance:

  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Stomach Pain
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Rashes
  • Red flushing of the skin
  • Congested or runny nose

One way to diagnose food intolerances is by an elimination diet. An elimination diet removes foods that are suspected to cause sensitivities in your body for 4-6 weeks before reintroducing them in your daily diet. This shows which food causes intolerance and gives an understanding of how to improve your diet to reduce intolerance symptoms. Even an elimination diet is a great way to find out about your intolerances. It is also a very long one. To reduce the time of understanding your intolerances MyWelltality provides the home intolerance test. Our test works by the analysis of hair and gives you a clear answer to your intolerances.

If you suffer from constant stomach pain, rashes or tiredness your symptoms might come from intolerances to food, dust or other items in your environment. Listen to your body and do not hesitate to check your intolerant status today. Untreated intolerances can become chronic and should be detected and treated as early as possible.

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