Obesity and Food intolerance
ภาวะอ้วน (Obesity) is a body condition of being overweight or having a body mass index over the threshold (BMI greater than or equal to 25), which is caused by 2 main factors: internal factors such as age, congenital disease, genetics and external factors such as eating habits and exercise obesity is one of the risks that cause inflammation in the body.
Obesity will affect the body's metabolic system. And result in various chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as well
““Many ๆ people will now ask, can weight gain be a cause of food intolerance?””
Food intolerance

It is a condition in which the body lacks certain enzymes that makes it unable to digest certain types of food. This will affect the digestive system of the body causes abdominal pain, flatulence, chronic diarrhea for unknown reasons. These symptoms appear hours or days after eating and may become chronic if not treated early enough.
Food intolerances may trigger weight gain. When the body is unable to digest certain foods it causing the accumulation of left over foods to start inflammation of the body and might have effects on insulin resistance. Which can cause overweight or obesity because insulin plays a role in the metabolism of nutrients from what we eat. If insulin is not produced enough or does not work well It will result in hyperglycemia or diabetes.
With research in the year 2020 of the United States which studied about the effects of avoiding foods that cause food intolerances In losing weight in a period of 1 year, it was found that avoiding foods that cause symptoms of intolerances helps to lose weight more effectively.
Furthermore, a 2016 study in Turkey looked into, how avoiding foods that cause intolerances can help you lose weight faster. This study is especially important for people who lose weight very hard. Also avoiding food that causes intolerances can help to reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood.
If you suffer from constant stomach pain, rashes or tiredness your symptoms might come from intolerances to food, dust or other items in your environment. Listen to your body and do not hesitate to check your intolerant status today. Untreated intolerances can become chronic and should be detected and treated as early as possible.
- Galveston ClinicalResearch,Corresponding Author .Food Allergen Elimination for Obesity Reduction; a Longitudinal, Case-Control Trial [britishjournalofgastroenterology]
- Meltem Yaman Onmus .The Effect of Elimination Diet on Weight and Metabolic Parameters of Overweight or Obese Patients Who Have Food Intolerance. [sciepub]